SEO, SEO Updates

Page Layout And Page Experience Google Update

What Was the Google Page Layout Algorithm?
The page layout algorithm update targeted websites with too many static advertisements above the fold. These ads would force users to scroll down the page to see content. Google said this algorithm would affect less than 1 percent of websites.

How Page Experience Google Update Impact SEO?
SEO standpoint, there is an incentive to optimize your website for good Core Web Vitals scores because they will become a lightweight ranking factor. Additionally, a good user experience improves bounce rates, conversion rates, and ultimately, revenue, across all marketing channels. Users typically decide whether or not they want to stay on your website within the first 10-15 seconds of arriving, and if your site performance isn’t up-to-speed then users will be more likely to navigate elsewhere.

Page Experience Report
The Page Experience report is a new Google report that shows data on each of the page experience metrics over the previous 90 days, specifically the percentage of URLs on your site that provide a “good” page experience and the number of impressions those URLs have received in organic search results. For a URL to have a “good” page experience, it must pass the Core Web Vitals assessment and there must be no issues associated with mobile usability, security, HTTPS, or advertising experience. Learn more about this report here.

SEO, SEO Updates, seodhananjaykulkarni

Google Updates Penguin 4.0 And Its Runs Real Time



The latest announcement made by Google is release of Penguin 4.0 algorithm which is also the real time in nature.

Almost after two year, Google Penguin algorithm has finally updated again on September 23, 2016 named as Penguin 4.0 & Real Time. This will be the 4th major release making this Penguin 4.0 and part of core algorithm. This will be also the last release of this type. Google also says Penguin is a real time signal process with its core search algorithm.

Penguin Goes Real Time
Penguin is a filter designed to capture sites that are spamming Google search results. In this ways that Google regular spamming systems might not detect. Now, Penguin filter would run and catch sites deemed spammy. Those sites would remain penalized even if they improved and changed until the next time the filter ran, which will take months.
The last Penguin update, Penguin 3.0, happened on October 17, 2014. Any sites hit by it have to wait nearly two years for the chance to be free. Now the long wait is finished. Now, Google says with the latest Penguin 4.0 which is real time. Google re-crawls and re-indexes pages regularly. . Pages will be caught and/or freed by Penguin as part of this regular process.

Penguin Becomes More Page Specific
It is said new Penguin algorithm is “more granular.” Penguin is now more granular. Penguin now devalues spam by adjusting ranking based on spam signals, rather than affecting ranking of the whole site.

Is Penguin Fully Live
This real time Penguin update is probably not fully live yet. It is now “rolling out”. Google has not specifically told how long it will take to roll out. If you see Google revisit your web pages regularly then you might see changes quickly or if Google does not visit you website regularly it might take long time.

Mobilepocalyse, SEO, SEO Updates, seodhananjaykulkarni

Mobilegeddon New Mobile Algorithm Update By Google

MobilegeddonOn April 21, 2015, Google will release an important new mobile-friendly ranking algorithm that is designed to give a boost to mobile-friendly pages in Google mobile search results.

The algorithm will take about a week to complete. The new algorithm is supposed to be called as “Mobilegeddon”.

But some other names are also been referred as mobilepocalyse, mopocalypse or mobocalypse.

As per the new update the best way to check your website pages are mobile friendly is to take a test by using Mobile-Friendly Test Tool provided by Google.

There are many SEO experts and companies keeping track on this “Mobilegeddon” update, till now if seem to be no major shifts in Google mobile ranking algorithm yet. It seem that new algorithm will take a week or two to full roll out, just need to be peasant an wait and watch.


Google Penguin 3.0 Update Need to Know BY SEO

Google Penguin 3.0

As Google has updated Penguin 3.o on Friday 17th October 2014, but on Google+  its tell roll out is still to complete and will take next few weeks. Pierre said its slow world wide roll out.

Its also confirm the roll out began on 17th Oct 2014 Friday, which will affect 1% of queries in US English

Key Features Of Penguin 3.0
Started rolling out on Friday night, 17th October, 2014
Roll out will continue for next few weeks
Its slow worldwide roll out
Will impact less than 1% US English queries
Its only refresh no, new signals added
Helps sites to recover from previous Penguin updates that fix the link profile
Demotes sites will Spam link profile